Judging from your profile, perhaps you should've made a new one to mock religion, since you submitted several pornographics entries. Scientologists have their own beliefs, and while I don't agree with them, any one Scientologist has about 50,000 times more ethical intent than you, since they follow moral codes, clearly something you have no respect for.
None of that was true, or a very small amount was. From my understanding the jailing is true but how the hell do you know that he's in for the money? You don't, it's opinion, and stating opinion as fact is idiotic.
Religion is something you don't make fun of, especially if you are placing lies in it. Where did you get this stuff from, Wikipedia? Seems as such, and the Wikipedia definition is WRONG. Go check out Scientology, I have. I don't agree with it but it proves a lot of things Wikipedia says as wrong.
This world is so messed up because people don't allow others their own belief. People argue, opression causes revolt, and in the end lives ruined and several taken in some cases. The large sum of 12 year old kids who posted on this should learn a lesson here, never...EVER make fun of someone's religion, beliefs or race. You may say making fun of race is completely different, but I'm sure hundreds of Scientologists who viewed this Flash has been hurt.
If you guys will believe what a porn director says, you are wasting oxygen and your time on this planet will be served in vein if not for you learning a lesson of mockery, or the lack of it for that matter.
Maturity will be the time when you can look at something sanely, not with an idea that your opinion comes first. If anyone criticizes Christianity, Judism, etc. then I'll write this same review, because this insanity shows me how many kids use Newgrounds.
Away from the story, allow me to criticize the whole thing on its own. Nothing moved except the guys mouth, the voice was monotonous and I think I fell asleep 7 times throughout. Never have I been so bored.
It was kinda funny at parts.